Monday, February 28, 2011

Mike Duke -- The World's Largest Retailer.

Mike Duke, the fourth CEO of Walmart, had been handed the reins of the world’s largest retailer. He was outlining his heightened expectation for walmart’s leadership role in the global sustainability effort. Mr. Duke’s decades of experience in the retail industry, his years of executive leadership experience across multiple operating divisions of our company, his international retail experience, and his expertise in corporate strategy, development and execution, all of these made him an Influential leader in retail industry.

Also, under his operation, walmart is changing the structure. Wal-Mart is combining divisions and creating three distinct geographic business territories in the United States.The changes will make the company more efficient and accelerate growth, according to Eduardo Castro-Wright, Wal-Mart vice chairman. The restructuring includes aligning Puerto Rico stores with Walmart US; dividing Walmart US into three business units, Walmart West, Walmart North and Walmart South; creating e-commerce through a organization; and combining logistics, real estate and store operations under the same leadership. Wal-Mart eliminated “a relatively small number” of field merchandising positions spread across the country, said Dave Tovar, Wal-Mart spokesman. He declined to provide a number of jobs lost, but said former associates would be paid until April 9, could apply for other Wal-Mart jobs and would get help finding other jobs.

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