This blog provides current information about events in all areas of the retail industry
Monday, January 31, 2011
Polo Ralph Lauren and Habitat for Humanity

Levi’s wearing social responsibility with pride
Nowadays the competition between business companies had been increased. Especially for retail industry, there are more and more companies selling the similar goods, there are too much choices for consumers. As a result, companies have come up with their own strategy, for better profit. However, it is the basis that any company should make decisions regarding corporate social responsibility. All business organizations, regardless of their size, have a corporate responsibility.
Taking Levis for an example, as a progressive business knows they can benefit us all and improve their consumer standing by enacting plans that show a commitment to community and environment. Levis had joined with Goodwill to announce a partnership that promotes environmental benefits. They have announced a new collaboration in an initiative they have labeled “Care Tag for Our Planet”. This plan might be simple, yet the message that Levis is passing out is very important. They will add an additional tag to their clothing with a very specific message describing the project. The tag includes eco-friendly suggestions on how to best care for your new clothing and equally importantly the best way to dispose of your clothing in a responsible fashion. According to Levis, their goal is “Simple care and recycling guidelines can go a long way toward reducing climate change impact. Wear responsibly and help us reduce the environmental impact of the clothes you love to wear.” A big thumb up to Levi’s for their commitment to our environment. They are not just selling their products; they are letting people know how to do better for our environment.
This is a good example of standing out in regarding in CSR. Companies shouldn’t only consider their profit, corporate social responsibility should be taken into consideration. A company's any decision might affect the environment and the safety of their workers or their neighbors. They should think about what is the shout- and long-term costs of ignoring all the environmental concerns. Companies that have a CSR focus concentrate on ways to make such decisions in a socially sound way.
by Jing Wang
Better Business;
Sunday, January 30, 2011
One for One

A credible CSR policy (CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility) includes all departments and positions at a company. It takes into consideration employee interests, environmentally sound operations, environmental protection, humane working conditions all along the supply chain, and consumer protection.
TOMS Shoes is a shoe company that from its creation has made corporate social responsibility one of the company’s core principles. TOMS Shoes was founded by Blake Mycoskie, who after a trip to Argentina was inspired to create a shoe company that gives back. Considering sustainability, Mycoskie concluded that starting a business rather than a charity would help his impact last longer.
TOMS Shoes have fulfilled their promise and for every pair they sell they give one pair to a child in need. By this practice the company has given children in developing countries over 1,000,000 pairs of shoes since the One for One movement launched in 2006. The canvas shoes have been given to children in the United States (Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Florida), Argentina, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Guatemala, Haiti, and South Africa. TOMS are sold at more than 500 stores nationwide and internationally, including Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Whole Foods, which features styles made from recycled materials. In January 2009, TOMS collaborated with Element Skateboards to create a line of TOMS shoes, skate decks and longboards. For each pair of TOMS Element shoes and/or skateboard bought, one of the same was given to kids at the Indigo Skate camp in the village Isithumba in Durban, South Africa. Blake Mycoskie is hoping to expand the One for One model into other areas like housing, water and schoolbooks. Mycoskie would like to create partnerships with companies so his customers can buy what they need while the same things are given to those who need them across the globe.
Other companies such as Walmart, which I talked about in my last post, also have charitable aspirations. The Walmart Foundation mission statement mentions the company’s objective to improve the live for people in their communities through financial contributions, donations and volunteerism. The Walmart foundation has pledged to give $2 billion dollars by 2015 to help hunger relief efforts in the United States.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Besides Making Money........

Corporate social responsibility has a broad definition, which, according to our text book, includes human rights, environment and employments etc. however, nobody would deny that it relates to charity. As a retail company, Target is one of the most generous companies in US, even globally. Target gives on average over $150 million per year. Its own corporate bylaw state it must give 5% of its pre-tax profits to charity. For its generous, Target ranked 11th in Fortune Magazine’s “Top 20 Most Admired Companies” for 2007. Although Target’s mission statement is only about providing better products and serves to its consumer, Target’s action shows its strong corporate social responsibility of society.
Best Buy is also another big company which is being very generous of charity. It donates about 1% of its pre-tax profit to different charities and has a goal of eventually reaching about 5%. Although it does not have an official mission statement, its website says that its goal is to “solve the unmet needs of our customers—and we rely on our employees to solve those puzzles.” It does not only donate to charities, but also think much of its own employees.
A good company should not only be able to serve its consumers with heart, but should also be responsible towards its employees and society. Meanwhile, consumers can also do something to help. If consumers choose to shop more at those companies, then we can both help this world become a better place to be.
CSR promotes the Aid of Global Issues

Clothing retailers often have similar views of CSR. Most of them strive to give customer satisfaction as well promote images of success for whatever demographic they sell too.
What makes a company stand out though is the amount of charity they give from their profits. Charity is a very important part of the Corporate Social Responsibility. Giving to specific charities inspires people to buy the clothes and also help a good cause.
A company with a popular campaign is Gap inc. Gap is a clothing store that sells bold and basic clothing to men, women and children. In 2006, Gap paired up with Project Red which helps fight the global aids epidemic. Gap sold Project Red clothing in stores and donated 50% of all those products to Project Red. Gap’s mission statement says that “We’re dedicated to improving the world around us and lessening our impact on the planet. Doing what’s right comes naturally to the people who work at Gap, and our employees are the heart of our company’s commitment to social and environmental good” (gap.com). Gap employees are courteous and naturally friendly and helpful. Gap promotes multiple campaigns and expects its employers to be knowledgeable with global issues--especially on sustainability.
Another infamous brand, H&M promotes their ban on child labor and dedication to providing high quality and creatively designed products. H&M works with several charities such as UNICEF and WaterAid. UNICEF helps improve the conditions of children’s lives across the globe as well as stop child labor. WaterAid works to improve the sanitation and availability of water around the world. H&M says on their website, “At H&M, quality is about more than making sure that our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. It also means that they have to be manufactured under good conditions and that our customers must be satisfied with us as a company.” H&M’s workers must deliver good products but also ensure that they are made without child labor. H&M believes that by manufacturing clothes in good conditions (i.e without child labor) the customer will feel more satisfied.
By giving money to charities, large companies such as Gap and H&M can help spread awareness to their customers about these issues and also lend a hand to help the organizations directly.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Concern about the stakeholders.
One of the ethical issue in retail industry is that how the company treat their employees. Employees are a part of the stakeholders of a company; their job condition should be taking into consideration.
About 2 years ago, an event about employees’ human rights has drawn public’s attention. Foxconn, Apple's longtime manufacturing partner in China, has extremely strict rules for people who work in there. In fact, there was one worker committed suicide for a fourth-generation iPhone prototype for which he was responsible went missing. The 25-year-old worker was responsible for shipping iPhone prototypes to Apple; he reported the missing device to Foxconn after realizing that one of the 16 iPhones he received was no longer in his possession. According to the worker’s friends, the worker has been interrogated inappropriate. He can’t stand the pressure then committed suicide. Although Foxconn was not fully responsible for the worker’s death, it has some affect. The worker wouldn’t committee suicide if not for the tremendous pressure from foxconn.
The foxconn event is just an example for the loss of human rights of employees. Sweatshops in Asia are not a few. Being indifferent about employees’ human rights is unethical. It should no longer happen again.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Buy More or Buy Right
I think the key ethical issue for retail strores is facing is to dicede if all we try to do is making the consumes buy more. Or in the other words, if the industries care about waste. We can always see this phenomena happens at retial industires, "buy on get one 50% off", "buy more save more" etc. And this happens more at supermarkts. Sure this will absolutly help sales, but this could also cause waste. The first harm seems like only come to the consumers, they bought what they did not really need, but eventually come to our environment.
Also, for this ethical issuse the industires players are barely being challenged by this issuse. However, the real problem is, if the goal of retail is to sell as much as possible or to sell as much as good for the consumers. Just like Nestle said in her article "The Supermarket: Prime Real Estate", the object of the marketing, retail game is to "maximize sales and profit consistent with cuntomer convenience"(20).
For many people this may still doesn't weight as much as an ethical issuse, but as we all know, our environment is getting worse, it maybe time to stop allure consumers buy more needless products.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ethical EPA

Shop till you drop? - Lillyanna Paulino
Fur Real?
Fur coats, stoles, and hates are popular items among the wealthy and celebrities. They are expensive, which means there is a large economic profit. But what’s the real story behind these fur coats? Well, it all starts when animals are captured in areas such as China and Canada (peta.org).

Next, the animals are beaten, suffocated, electrocuted or even suffocated to death (peta.org).
Many buyers from the United States know that these harmful acts are going on, but to little to stop it, and even less to let their customers know where the fur is actually coming from.
In reality, popular US stores sometimes lie about where their fur is coming and what brand it is. In 2008, the popular department stores Macy’s and Bloomingdales were under speculation and eventually a lawsuit was filed about the mislabeling of fur garments (The Humane Society). The problem was that the fur garments sold to the customers did not have the correct labeling. Macy’s and Bloomingdales worked with the Humane society to make the labels more clear and show buyers exactly what they were buying. The consequences of the new labels mostly affect the companies themselves, because it forced the companies to purchase higher quality fur as opposed to buying lower quality and labeling it as high quality. There was not a large profit loss from the new labeling since the cliental of these department stores is generally upper-class.
The ethical question in this situation was the mislabeling of the fur. That action shows that the companies want to ignore where the fur actually came from, which was most likely a starving animal that was killed in a slow and painful manner.
By Margot Waldron